Ann Clin Microbiol 2020;23:33-43. Season and Temperature Effects on Bloodstream Infection Incidence in a Korean Tertiary Referral Hospital

Fig. 3. Correlation between bloodstream infection (BSI) by glucose non-fermenters and average monthly temperature from 2008–2016. (a) Temperature (°C) vs. incidence rate of community-onset BSI by Acinetobacter spp. (cases per 105 patient days), y = 0.0500x+2.065, r = 0.2100, P = 0.0292. (b) Temperature (°C) vs. incidence rate of hospital-acquired BSI by Acinetobacter spp. (cases per 106 patient days), y = -0.121x+25.202, r = -0.1148, P = 0.2368. (c) Temperature (°C) vs. incidence rate of community-onset BSI by P. aeruginosa (cases per 105 patient days), y = 0.000520x+0.455, r = 0.0137, P = 0.8879. (d) Temperature (°C) vs. incidence rate of hospital-acquired BSI by P. aeruginosa (cases per 106 patient days), y = 0.0565x+8.814, r = -0.0957, P = 0.3241. CO, community-onset; HA, hospital-acquired; Temp., temperature.
(a) Community-onset BSI by Acinetobacter spp.
(b) Hospital-acquired BSI by Acinetobacter spp.
(c) Community-onset BSI by P. aeruginosa
(d) Hospital-acquired BSI by P. aeruginosa