Ann Clin Microbiol 2020;23:105-116. Evaluation of the AdvanSure TB/NTM Plus Real-Time PCR Assay for the Simultaneous Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Nontuberculous Mycobacteria from Clinical Specimens

Table 3. Results of AdvanSure plus PCR and AdvanSure PCR in 7 cases of MTC and NTM mix
Species AdvanSure Plus PCR AdvanSure PCR
MTC Ct NTM Ct IC Ct Result MTC Ct NTM Ct IC Ct Result
M. intracellulare 33.57 17.87 24.06 MTC and NTM positive 31.99 18.37 28.92 MTC and NTM positive
M. kansasii 33.32 20.48 24.03 MTC and NTM positive 33.19 22.92 27.76 MTC and NTM positive
M. gordonae 34.66 19.98 24.10 MTC and NTM positive No Ct 21.16 27.97 NTM positive
M. gordonae 29.15 17.90 23.98 MTC and NTM positive 29.25 19.01 29.39 MTC and NTM positive
MTC 21.16 17.25 24.34 MTC and NTM positive 21.81 18.56 No Ct MTC and NTM positive
MTC 16.31 25.8 28.02 MTC and NTM positive 16.94 21.88 No Ct MTC positive
MTC 14.16 19.84 No Ct MTC and NTM positive 13.71 17.91 No Ct MTC positive

Abbreviation: Ct, threshold cycle; IC, internal control; MTC, M. tuberculosis complex; NTM, nontuberculous mycobacteria; AdvanSure PCR, AdvanSure TB/NTM real-time PCR; AdvanSure plus PCR, AdvanSure TB/NTM plus real-time PCR.