Ann Clin Microbiol 2020;23:191-199. Causes and Clinical Relevance of Inconclusive SARS-CoV-2 Real-Time Reverse TranscriptionPCR Test Results

Table 3. Comparison of frequency and Ct and peak value of amplification curves of positive target genes in inconclusive results between COVID-19 cases and non-COVID-19 cases
Target geneCOVID-19 cases Non-COVID-19 cases
No. (%)No. (%) of Ct ≥ 33Ct, M ± SDPeak RFU, M ± SD No. (%)No. (%) of Ct ≥ 33Ct, M ± SDPeak RFU, M ± SD
E4 (8.2)4 (100)35.2±1.9226.4±22.6 13 (29.5)9 (69.2)35.3±3.1420.9±288.5
RdRp11 (22.4)11 (100)37.2±1.4363.8±109.4 27 (61.4)27 (100)37.7±1.0442.5±254.9
N16 (32.7)16 (100)38.1±1.4460.0±212.3 4 (9.1)4 (100)39.3±0.3567.1±110.0
E + RdRp2 (4.1)2 (100)36.0±1.2365.9±23.9 00N/AN/A
E + N9 (18.4)9 (100)34.6±1.8383.8±124.8 00N/AN/A
RdRp + N7 (14.3)7 (100)37.0±1.5573.3±342.4 00N/AN/A

Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus disease 19; Ct, cycle threshold; M, mean; SD, standard deviation; RFU, relative fluorescence unit; N/A, not applicable/available; E, envelope gene; RdRp, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene; N, nucleocapsid gene.