Ann Clin Microbiol 2021;24:83-96. Evaluation of Five Automated Urine Analyzers as Screening Instruments for Enhancing Diagnostic Efficiency in Urinary Tract Infection

Table 3. Calculated cut-off values for achieving certain target variables in automated urine sediment analyzers
ParameterAnalyzerCut-off value* (%)
Sensitivity 95% PPV 70%
WBC (/µL)UF-50000.7 (94.1)0.2 (97.9) 339.4 (80.0)544.8 (75.0)
 UAS800> 0 (86.7)> 0 (68.1) 334.0 (75.0)208.6 (72.7)
 Cobas® u701> 0 (88.2)> 0 (80.4) 475.9 (80.0)347.5 (71.4)
 iQ®200SPRINT> 0 (82.4)> 0 (87.2) 321.2 (80.0)180.4 (70.0)
 URiSCAN® PlusScope> 0 (76.5)> 0 (59.6) 77.9 (71.4)69.7 (72.7)
Bacteria (/µL)UF-5000> 0 (94.1)> 0 (95.7) 152.4 (75.0)127 (71.1)
 UAS800> 0 (87.5)> 0 (93.6) 3,293 (50.0)657.8 (70.6)
 iQ®200SPRINT (ASP)189 (94.1)345 (95.7) 31,327 (60.0)11,171 (72.7)

*If sensitivity or PPV did not meet each target variable, the cut-off values were obtained to maximize the same.
†The Cobas® u701 and URiSCAN® PlusScope did not display the quantitative bacterial counts when our experiment was conducted. The iQ®200SPRINT provided ASP values instead of bacterial counts.
Abbreviations: PPV, positive predictive value; WBC, white blood cell; ASP, all small particles.