Ann Clin Microbiol 2021;24:135-140. A Case of Whole Genome Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Using Oxford Nanopore MinION System

Table 1. Genomic and amino acid changes of the SARS-CoV-2 positive specimen
Genomic change Amino acid change Gene/region
241 C -> T 5′-UTR
1059 C -> T T265I orf1ab
3037 C -> T F924 orf1ab
11916 C -> T Y3884L orf1ab
14408 C -> T P4715L orf1ab
16650 C -> T L5462 orf1ab
20675 A -> T Q6804L orf1ab
23403 A -> G D614G S
25563 G -> T Q57H orf3a
29179 G -> T P302 N
29779 G -> T 3′-UTR