Ann Clin Microbiol 2024;27:31-37. Emergence of Vanrija humicola as a pathogen of urinary tract infections in Korea

Fig. 1. Culture findings of Vanrija humicola in this study. (A) After 5 days of growth on BAP, colonies are of yellow, dry and cerebriform with a fimbriate margin. (B) Microscopic examination showed budding yeasts of oval to ellipsoidal cells (2-8 × 3-12 µm) (Gram stain, ×1,000) (left side) and pseudohyphae (10-15 µm) (PAS stain, ×1,000) (right side). (C) Colonies on BAP and SDA grew more vigorously at 25℃, than at 37℃. BAP, blood agar plate; SDA, Sabouraud dextrose agar.