Ann Clin Microbiol 2024;27:31-37. Emergence of Vanrija humicola as a pathogen of urinary tract infections in Korea

Table 1. Clinical presentation of the four patients with Vanrija humicola isolated in urine samples
Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Patient 4
Age/sex 46/F 49/M 71/M 86/M
Underlying diseases Cervical cancer, past breast cancer 1 year ago Esophageal rupture with multiple repair surgery Non-small cell lung cancer, diabetes mellitus Unknown carcinoma on neck
Urine cultures positive for Vanrija humicola
    Specimen dates (HD) Sep 2023 (14) Nov 2023 (100) Feb 2021 (45) May 2021 (28)
    Quantity (CFU/mL) >10,000 3,000 >100,000 >100,000
Other culture No growth from blood cultures No growth from blood and sputum cultures No growth from stool and sputum cultures No growth from blood cultures
Fever (℃) 38.6 37.7 No 38.7
Urinary catheter use (days) Yes (24) No Yes (45) No
Comorbid conditions Ileostomy, Percutaneous nephrostomy Mediastinitis Herpes simplex virus meningoen-cephalitis Toxic epidermal necrolysis
Prior immunosuppressant use (days) Pembrolizumab (12) No Osimertinib (4) Prednisolone (25)
Prior antimicrobial use (days) Meropenem (7) Voriconazole (4), Vancomycin (15), Meropenem/Ertapenem (15) No Meropenem (4), Vancomycin (4)
Laboratory findings
WBC (/μL), neutrophils% 17,600, 89% 6,300, 64.1% 11,300, 84.1% 900, 57.6%
CRP (mg/dL) 9.56 0.78 6.48 5.54
Creatinine (mg/dL) 0.73 3 0.46 0.84
Serum β-D-glucan (pg/mL) Not tested Not tested Not tested 600.4
   Hemoglobin 4+ 4+
   Leukocyte 3+
   Bacteria/yeast Not tested Not tested Yeast, many Not tested
Antifungal therapy (days) None Voriconazole (29) None Caspofungin (3)
Clinical outcome Discharge Discharge Discharge Expired