Helminth species | Size (㎛) | Morphological characteristics |
Clonorchis sinensis | 27-35 × 15-20 | Conspicuous operculum & shoulder rim, muskmelon pattern wrinkles on surface |
Metagonimus yokogawai | 28-35 × 17-18 | Inconspicuous operculum & shoulder rim, no wrinkles, maximum width in median |
Metagonimus miyatai | 28-33 × 17-18 | Same with those of M. yokogawai |
Metagonimus takahashii | 32-36 × 18-20 | Same with those of M. yokogawai |
Heterophyes nocens | 24-29 × 15-17 | Inconspicuous operculum & shoulder rim, ovoid with a little pointed both end |
Heterophyopsis continua | 24-28 × 16-19 | Inconspicuous operculum & shoulder rim, broadly oval, no wrinkles |
Stellantchasmus falcatus | 25-29 × 12-14 | Inconspicuous operculum & shoulder rim, elongated & oval, no wrinkles |
Stictodora fuscata | 34-38 × 20-23 | Inconspicuous operculum & shoulder rim, oval with thick shell, no wrinkles |
Pygidiopsis summa | 20-23 × 11-13 | Apparent operculum, small & pyriform, no wrinkles |
Gymnophalloides seoi | 20-25 × 11-15 | Big & wide operculum, no knob, no wrinkles, elliptical with very thin shell |
Plagiorchis muris | 32-38 × 20-24 | Conspicuous operculum, elliptical with thick shell, yellow |
Eurytrema pancreaticum | 48-53 × 25-33 | Inconspicuous operculum, elliptical with thick shell, dark brown |
Isthmiophora hortensis | 125-138 × 70-80 | Small operculum, ovoid to elliptical with thin shell & abopercular wrinkles |
Echinostoma cinetorchis | 99-116 × 65-76 | Nearly same with those of I. hortensis |
Echinochasmus japonicus | 75-87 × 52-63 | Tiny operculum, broad oval with thin shell & abopercular wrinkles |
Paragonimus westermani | 80-100 × 45-65 | Wide operculum, asymmetrical with shoulder rim & abopercular thickening |
Neodiplostomum seoulense | 86-99 × 55-63 | Inapparent operculum, asymmetrical, elliptical with thin shell |
Fasciola hepatica | 143-147 × 78-82 | Small operculum, elliptical with thin shell |
Diphyllobothriids* | 58-76 × 40-51 | Small operculum, ovoid with thick shell & sometimes abopercular knob |
*including Dibothriocephalus nihonkaiensis (syn. Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense) prevalent species in Korea.