Annals of Clinical Microbiology, The official Journal of the Korean Society of Clinical Microbiology

The First Outbreak of Botulism in Korea

Case report

Annals of Clinical Microbiology (Ann Clin Microbiol) 2003 December Volume 6, Issue 2, pages 160-163.

The First Outbreak of Botulism in Korea

Gyung Tae Chung, Do Hyun Kang, Cheon Kwon Yoo, Jong Hyun Choi* and Won Keun Seong

Research Center for Pathogen Control, Department of Bacteriology, National Institute of Health, Seoul, Daegu Metropolitan City*, Korea


Botulism is a rare neuroparalytic disease caused by neurotoxins of Clostridium species. A tenyear-old girl and her mother were admitted to a hospital with symptoms of progressive dizziness, blurred vision, slurred speech, constipation and difficulty in swallowing. These characteristic manifestations and clinical course prompted an examination of the possibility of botulism. Mouse bioassay performed with mother’s stool demonstrated type A botulinum toxin and culture of the mother’s stool was positive for Clostridium botulinum type A. This is the first case of botulism in Korea. (Korean J Clin Microbiol 2003;6(2):160-163)


Botulism, Neurotoxin, Clostridium botulinum