Annals of Clinical Microbiology, The official Journal of the Korean Society of Clinical Microbiology


Weeks in Review


Weeks to Publication
Indexed in KCI, KoreaMed, Synapse, DOAJ
Open Access, Peer Reviewed
pISSN 2288-0585 eISSN 2288-6850


This journal is primarily intended for clinical pathologists specializing in clinical microbiology and researchers interested in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases. They will be able to obtain tailored information to enhance their research and practices and to bridge the gap between basic and clinical research in the field of clinical microbiology.

This journal is primarily intended for clinical pathologists specializing in clinical microbiology and researchers interested in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases. They will be able to obtain tailored information to enhance their research and practices and to bridge the gap between basic and clinical research in the field of clinical microbiology.

Its readership also includes physicians and researchers involved in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of infectious diseases, who seek the latest diagnostic methods and treatment protocols from ACM; healthcare providers and public health experts, including clinicians, nurses, and public health officials, who are interested in the latest trends and research in hospital infection control; scholars in microbiology, molecular biology, immunology, and related fields who use ACM to stay informed about the latest research findings and techniques; graduate and undergraduate students, residents, and professors in medicine, life sciences, and public health who use ACM for educational and research purposes; and policymakers and public health officials involved in formulating public health policies and infectious disease management strategies who rely on ACM for the latest scientific evidence.