Annals of Clinical Microbiology, The official Journal of the Korean Society of Clinical Microbiology

Analysis of 205 Cases of Parasite Infection Confirmed in Clinical Specimens

Original article

Annals of Clinical Microbiology (Ann Clin Microbiol) 2004 June Volume 7, Issue 1, pages 66-71.

Analysis of 205 Cases of Parasite Infection Confirmed in Clinical Specimens

Hyun-Ouk Song, Myoung-Hee Ahn, Han-Kyu Choi, Jae-Sook Ryu, Duk-Young Min, and Han-Il Ree

Department of Parasitology & Institute of Biomedicine, Hanyang University, College of Mediciene, Department of Parasitology & Institute of Tropical Medicine, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea


Background : We analysed 205 cases of parasitic infection that were confirmed at Dept. of Parasitology, Hanyang University, College of Medicine from January 1986 to December 2003.

Methods : Parasitic worms were observed on gross examination or light microscope after treatment with lactophenol. Stool was examined with formalin-ether method for detection of eggs or protozoal cysts and scotch tape method was used for E. vermicularis eggs. In case of S. stercoralis, stool sample was incubated at 26℃ for 48 to 72 h to confirm filariform larvae. Commercial ELISA kit for T. canis and ELISA test with hydatid cystic fluid from a patient were evaluated. Tissues were stained H&E after 10% formalin fixation and observed under the light microscope.

Results : There were detected 31 species of parasite among 205 specimens. Nematodes of 84 cases (41.5%), Anisakis sp., P. decipiens, E. vermicularis and T. callipaeda, visceral larva migrans, T. trichiura, A. lumbricoides, S. stercoralis, cutaneous larva migrans, Mammomonogamus sp. were observed. Cestodes of 41 cases (21.0%), D. latum, sparganum, T. saginata, cysticercus cellulosae, hydatid cyst and trematodes of 34 cases (16.6%), C. sinensis, M. yokogawai, P. westermani and N. seoulense were noted. Protozoa of 34 cases (16.6%), E. histolytica, E. dispar, T. vaginalis, Plasmodium sp. G. lamblia, E. coli, E. nana, P. carinii and arthropoda of 11 cases (5.4%), I. nipponensis, P. pubis, T. floricolum and Culex sp. larva were classified.

Conclusions : Food-borne parasitic infections were distinctly noted in this analysis. And raw food or water are important as a source of parasitic infection in the future. (Korean J Clin Microbiol 2004;7(1):66-71)


Parasite, Infection, Food-borne